Home > Treatments > Cupping
The healing process can be shortened by weeks, even months, by using this method that manually removes the energy blockage in ways that acupuncture needles, massage and other forms of treatment cannot
Cupping is a suction technique designed to pull toxin build up and muscle spasm from the body’s deeper tissue to the surface of the skin. In Chinese Medicine physical pain implies a blockage in the flow of energy through a particular area. When toxins or cell waste stagnate in the muscles or joints, it can be very difficult for the body to get rid of this waste, causing further blockage and discomfort.
By utilizing cupping techniques we are able by vacuum or suction, to pull the blockage out of the deeper tissue and move it to the skin’s surface. Once on the surface, it is much easier for the body to eliminate toxins through the superficial blood supply or capillary system.
In only ten minutes of cupping, not only can we pull toxin build up out of specific areas, but we can also pull the fresh new blood into those areas, which will vitalize and restore proper blood flow.
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